Accessibility enhancement ( You can designate row and column headers in tables so that screen-reader applications can detect them.) 访问性改进(可以指定表中的行和列标题,从而屏幕阅读器应用程序可以检测到它们)。
Specifies the behavior when double clicking the grid row/ column intersection box or the area between column headers. 指定在双击网格行/列交叉框或列标头之间的区域时的行为。
The following code example demonstrates how to disable visual styles for the row and column headers in an application that has visual styles enabled. 下面的代码示例演示如何在启用了可视样式的应用程序中,对行标题和列标题禁用可视样式。
Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables. 表格行或列的标题栏应当可以容易的认得出来。
Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. 对付含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该利用标记来关联干系数据单位格和标头单位格。